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Reasons Why Some Cats Eat Mice

Reasons Why Some Cats Eat Mice

Dome cat owners may be wondering why their beloved pet feline loves to eat mice, even if they have provided it with a bowl filled with commercial cat food. They could look into the cat's ancestry, biology and hard-wiring to find the answer.

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Nearly a century ago, the cat is an animal mostly outdoors. Since cats have a tendency to become exceptional hunters, people keep them for pest control. Those who want to see them hunting in action can observe the behavior of the African wild cat, their closest wild cousins. Nocturnal animals hunt mainly at night. They have a very accurate hearing that allows them to locate their prey based solely on hearing instructions. African wild cat hunting, especially birds, insects, mice, rats and small reptiles. They rarely drink water, and just to get the moisture from their prey consumption.

Cats devour their prey so they can get the essential amino acid called taurine. Unlike other animals, cats produce taurine that is not enough, and that is why they need to take it in their diet. The meat had the right amount of taurine to meet the needs of the cat's body, making them so-called "obligate carnivores". Cat food available in the market contain taurine.

Although the domestic cat to behave in the same way, humans have been encouraging their protection and successful ability to hunt during the day and at night. In general, cats are born to hunt. as early as 6 weeks old, the kitten already pounce on their food. Hunting is a natural survival instinct cat. Cats usually hunt carefully, slowly approaching their prey by crawling on their bellies on them before they pounce.

Domestic cats living indoors hunt less than those on the outside of life because no mice to catch. In the wild, mothers of children stray cat taught them how to kill their prey. Domestic cats rarely develop this skill. For this reason, they are seen playing with what they catch or bring the mouse to its owner as "victims" because most of them do not know how to kill one.

cat lover should understand that it is only normal for their favorite pets to hunt mice and eat it. Although this may seem gross to them, for cats it is a normal thing to do, and most of all, it was fun. Hunting is a natural behavior in cats, and they need to practice these skills even though they hunt them or fishing fluffy toys. In the case of domestic cats go to hunt, the owner must remember and worm them twice a year, because the carrier rat intestinal parasite that can infect them as well as humans.

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