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Your Cat Is Meowing Constantly - 7 Reasons Why

Your Cat Is Meowing Constantly - 7 Reasons Why

Stress, old age or even hunger may make your cat exercise her vocal chords more frequently than you can handle.

I know every cat owner have from time to time experienced excessive meowing from their feline friends. Sometimes it is really hard to understand why exactly the cat is making such constant meowing. Below are some reasons why cat meow constantly.

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1. You only need attention cat

Your cat will need your attention when he was tired or when he wants a partner to play. Do not respond every time your cat meowing; You even have to pay attention when he stopped meowing it. If he continues to steadily meowing, just walk away for a while until he calmed down.

You just have to walk away if the cat was excessive meowing. However, make sure that you spend quality time with your kitty every day. Playing with him to ensure the cat has carried out very important to her well being. Reward your cat when calm and ignore him when meowing constantly.

2. Disease

Cats are also redundant meow when trying to tell you that they are sick. Remember meowing cat is one of the ways used to communicate with the owner. Although cats can be good at hiding illness, excessive meowing without interests in the food is sufficient warning of an illness that requires attention.

excessive meowing may be a warning sign of kidney disease, urination problems, thyroid or other related cat health problems. If your cat has just developed behaviors, a trip to the vet is worth taking.

3. Hunger

Some cats will meow for food-related reasons. When the food bowl is empty, your cat will let you know and not in the 'way cool.' Make sure your cat gets wet food often, and you can surprise him with a canned food sometimes.

Make sure that the cat was getting enough food at appropriate intervals. Also, make sure that his water bowl is full.

do not miss

4. Stress

new animals, new people, a change in the home and many other things can cause stress for your cat.

When your cat kept meowing during this change, might mean "I must be mad at you" or "I do not like this at all."

Clearly, your cat will not dictate you do not like her. It is then up to you to recognize the new changes and the effect they have on your cat companion. When bringing a new pet into your home, new pet and socialize your cat to eliminate problem behavior.

5. Old confusion age

Just like humans, cats can be confused or forgetful during old age.

Disorientation is common, and your cat may often meow because of the confusion and frustration. If your cat continues to meow or bumping into things at night, leave a light on all night. You can also visit the vet for examination.

Check out various little meow sound-making machine: Video

6. The cat is in heat

female cats become very vocal suddenly when they are in heat. They meow exaggerated to attract men. Also, men become noisy when they detect a female cat in close to hear.

Save yourself and cat companions this problem by having your cat neutered or spayed.

7. Cats just wanted to say hello

Sometimes you can kitty meow just to say 'hi' to you. Is that.

Caution: Do not yell at your Cat to excessive meowing

Try to calm down your cat is becoming alarming meowing interact with him. Scolding your cat's constant meowing may cause insecurity and fear that will interfere with your relationship with your cat.

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