5 Symptoms Of Dog Pain That Every Pet Owner Should Watch Out For
5 Symptoms Of Dog Pain That Every Pet Owner Should Watch Out For
Every pet owner finds it dreadful whenever their pooch is sick or in pain. While there are many obvious signs that show this, confine mind that dogs don't speak our language and can't always tell us when they are not feeling well. Dogs mainly communicate to humans through actions so it is vital to be observant about their behaviors especially if you think that they're sick.
Here are 5 symptoms of dog pain that each pet owner should be careful for:
Heavy Panting
Panting is normal behavior for canines. Heavy panting should not be a surprise also , especially during hot days. But if your pet pants heavily out of nowhere, this might indicate that he's stressed or in pain.
Lack of Appetite
Inappetence is typically the primary obvious symptom when a dog is in pain or feeling sick. a bit like us, we lose appetite when we're not feeling well. Lack of appetite in canines are often caused by many reasons but if it persists, it's better to consult your veterinarian to seek out out the cause.
Excessive Grooming
While it's natural for dogs to groom themselves by licking, it isn't normal for it to become a fanatical behavior. If you notice your pooch licking a specific area of his body for extended periods, it could indicate that he's in pain. Canines will often groom parts of their body where the pain is coming from within the hopes to appease or look after the wound.
Shyness or Aggression
A dog that's in pain will usually hide away during a corner and avoid attention because he doesn't have the energy to play or socialize. On the opposite hand, other dogs who are experiencing pain have the tendency to become aggressive especially when touched. Don't take it personally if your usual sweet and lively pooch growls or snaps at you once you attempt to play with him - he just doesn't have the other means to allow you to know that he's hurting.
General Changes in Behavior
If your dog doesn't greet you excitedly anymore once you arrive, if he doesn't want to play together with his favorite toy or if he refuses any physical activities like his daily walks or just climbing up the steps , he's most likely in pain or feeling sick. Bring him to the vet to urge verified especially if the matter persists.
If you notice any of the above mentioned signs or symptoms of dog pain in your pet, it's best to hunt medical help to make certain that the matter is resolved immediately.
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